Monday, September 25, 2006

The Best (and cheapest) Blackberry Pearl Accessories and Handset Deals

I bought my Blackberry Pearl and a pouch on eBay. There are so many people selling accessories and handsets for Blackberry Pearl that I thought I'd share some links with you all on were to pick up some great bargains. Some of the great eBay deals on Blackberry Pearl are listed on the sidebar

Click Here for Blackberry Pearl Accessories

Click Here for Blackberry Pearl Handsets on eBay

Handsets on eBay are such a good deal, just make sure you check out the sellers feedback and buy from someone trusted. And if you aren't with T-Mobile, make sure that the phone is unlocked. I had to ask 4 sellers about that before I found one that was unlocked. Don't just assume, you would be surprised how many sellers simply neglect to mention that the phone is locked to a particular network. Has a very good deal on the Blackberry Pearl too, the price is a low $99 for the phone but you have to sign up to a T-Mobile plan to get it. You can't buy the Blackberry unlocked from Amazon as yet but if you are looking to buy through T-Mobile then they offer a pretty good deal, it is in stock and you can get free shipping on it.

In terms of accessories, I recommend getting a good carry case. There are so many to choose from, ranging from traditional, black cases to pink cases with various characters on them. I choose to go with a fairly traditional leather case. Depending on what your handset came with, it might be worth while picking up a handsfree headset.


Blogger Unknown said...

Also, if you use the code PEARL100 it will knock an additional amount off your phone. I paid 50 bucks for the one i just bought and I still get the $50 rebate so Its free. Niiiice!

12:12 PM  

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